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电话: 15156668029
姓名: Alison

  Our factory has more than 15 years of excellent experience in natural plant weaving industry as a processing *域名隐藏* 2009, we formally eatablished our *域名隐藏* growth of our company,we have attained ISO9001 and ISO1400 certification in 2010 and *域名隐藏* we have more than 280 farmers working for us. As one leading enterprise in Funan county of Anhui, we join Canton Fair every year, and products are popular with customers all over the world. ...

主要产品/业务: willow, ratten baskety..

*域名隐藏* / 安徽 / 安徽阜阳 (236300 ) / 电话:15156668029

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